About Me

Hi! My name is Ali Jandaghi Alaee and I am in my last year of studies toward a Bachelor's majoring in Computer Engineering at the Sharif University of Technology. I am currently a research assistant in two different research groups under the supervision of Prof. Rabiee and Prof. Abbas Hoseini. My interest is mainly in the applied aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning, especially Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning. More specifically, I like to contribute to projects close to Data Mining (with a concentration on Social Network Mining), User Modeling and Personalization, and Privacy-Preserving in Machine Learning. For more details, see my CV.


B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Minor in Pure Chemistry

2017 - Present
Sharif University of Technology, Computer Engineering Department

Related Courses: Machine Learning (graduate, audited), Artificial Intelligence, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Bioinformatics, Probability and Statistics, Design of Algorithms, Data Structures and Algorithms, Discrete Structures


Research Assistant

Jul 2021 - Present
MLSys Laboratory, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

In 2021, I joined the MLSys Lab as a research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Hamid R. Rabiee and Dr. Abbas Hoseini. My primary involvement with this team has been in my thesis project, developing an effective retrieval method based on the content of queries and items and the history of users' behavior. Given a query as an input, retrieving and ranking items is critically important in e-commerce platforms. My project aims to propose and develop an effective personalized embedding-based ranking algorithm, to improve users' experience. The main idea is from Word2Vec, an NLP algorithm that has been broadened to Search2Vec for utilization in recommendation systems. A trained neural network based on the mentioned algorithms produces an embedding space that can effectively place related queries and items near each other.
Moreover, user clustering, based on users' history of clicks, has been employed to personalize the results of our ranking method. Two datasets, one obtained from torob.ir (one of the largest Persian online shops), and the other from AOL (publicly available on Kaggle), are being used for experimenting. Implementation of this project with TensorFlow plus weekly progress reports are available in this github repository.

Research Assistant

Sep 2021 – Present
Meta-Learning Lab, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

I started my contribution to the private meta-learning project in a group of three in September 2021 by joining the meta-learning group. In this research project which Prof. Hamid R. Rabiee is the supervisor, We are investigating the threats of reconstruction attacks on meta-learning models. Furthermore, we are proposing a proper defense mechanism for addressing this vulnerability.

Data Scientist

Nov 2019 – Sep 2020
Pido (Ayric Parsian E-Commerce)

In July 2019, I joined a start-up called Pido, One of the largest Fuel Delivery companies in the Middle East. I mainly worked on a project which helped advertisers target relevant users to get the most revenue. In this project, we developed a recommender system based on users' and products' metadata and the history of purchases. Our approach was to classify users and products and match them based on their semantic embeddings. An offline implementation of this project based on our method is now deployed in the company's application. Moreover, as a minor project, I have developed a feedback analyzer method that extracts insights from users' reviews corresponding to each service provider.

Supervisor of the Department of Chemistry Olympiad

Sep 2017 – Jul 2021

After I finished my career in the chemistry olympiad as a student, I started my job at Helli-3 high school. I designed a professional curriculum with the help of experienced teachers, organized exams and evaluations, and supervised talented students (5 - 10 students per year) to prepare them for the olympiad competition. As the mentor and academic advisor of the Chemistry Olympiad team, I have helped my students achieve outstanding results. At IChO 2O21 in Japan (53rd International Chemistry Olympiad), Mahbod Alian, a team member, won an international gold medal. In addition, he and one of the other students of the department have won national gold and bronze medals, respectively.

Teaching Assistant

Some of my teaching experiences as an assistant are:

Honors & Awards

National Elite Foundation Fellowship

2015 - Present

Gold Medal in Iran National Chemistry Olympiad


Ranked 7th in the 26th National Chemistry Olympiad among over 40,000 participants.

Silver Medal in Iran National Chemistry Olympiad


Ranked 27th in the 25th National Chemistry Olympiad among over 42,000 participants.

Skills & Proficiency


Numpy & Pandas

TensorFlow & Scikit-Learn


Javascript & Node


C & C++